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Why living history stories are so memorable (And polished historical stories are easily forgotten)

Why living history stories are so memorable (And polished historical stories are easily forgotten) Here's proof of why living history stories (aka real, personal stories - which in this case was about a 14 year old girl marching to Selma) can be more powerful, meaningful and memorable than the most polished stories you can hear.

Here's a real story I shared recently to a wonderful group of professional speakers of NSA Georgia in Atlanta to illustrate why taking the time to find and record stories you encounter can help you share more relatable and engaging stories. Enjoy.

If you'd like Eamonn, one of the world's leading authorities on transformative business storytelling, to speak at your event, go to:

living history,real stories,bringing stories to life,transformative storytelling,business storytelling,business storytelling tips,powerful stories,corporate storytelling,business storytelling techniqes,Marching to Selma,Selma story,Martin Luther King story,corporate storytelling techniques,Eamonn O'Brien,The Reluctant Speakers Club,NSA Georgia,

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